Frequently Asked Questions

  • What policies are posted to this site?

    Only those policies that apply across the University are posted to this site. Some 部门s 和 divisions maintain their own policy pages, featuring policies that do not apply beyond the school or unit, 和 t在这里fore are not posted to this site.

  • What's the difference between policies, procedures 和 guidelines?

    政策 set some parameters for decision-making but leave room for flexibility. They show the “why” behind an action. 政策 generally consist of what can/cannot or what must be done. They can, but do not always, have an audit implication. 政策的应用通常是全校范围的,适用于参与活动的每个人.

    程序另一方面,通过具体的日常任务的分步说明来解释“如何”. They may even include a checklist or process steps to follow. 当每个人都必须遵循特定的步骤来遵守政策时,考虑在政策中包括程序可能会有所帮助.

    The University’s Policy Template 包括“流程”部分,概述遵循政策的一般流程和程序. 院系/学部可制定额外程序,以执行适用的政策,惟有关程序须符合大学的政策.

    的指导方针-解释现有政策或其他不强制或限制行动的文件可以在学校采用, 部门, 或单位层面,没有按照规定的程序制定大学政策. 类似的, 详细说明实施和实施政策所需步骤的程序可以在没有正式审查的情况下采用. 然而, 文件不应贴上指导方针或程序的标签,以逃避政策制定和批准过程.

    与此同时,并非所有的沟通都需要以大学政策的形式采用. When reviewing policy proposals, 政策谘询委员会可决定建议的政策应在该学校实施, 部门, or unit level, 或者它应该被采纳为指导方针或程序,而不是政策.

    Questions as to whether a given document is set of guidelines, a procedure, or a University Policy may be submitted to the University Policy Office at

  • 在讨论政策时,“小修改”和“大修改”是什么意思?

    A revision is one that does not affect the basic requirements, 原则, scope or intent of a policy, but instead consists of nonsubstantive or technical corrections, updates or clarifications, such as substituting a new title or new name of a 部门 or unit; adding a reference to a new regulation or guideline; re-ordering information for clarity; or inserting a definition to explain the policy. If one is proposing a large number of 小 revisions, 该政策可能需要更彻底的审查,并可能进行实质性修订.

    A 实质性的 修订是指对政策的范围或后果进行重大更改. 建议的修订是否改变了政策的基本原则或意图, or greatly reduce or enlarge the requirements of the policy, then the revision is 实质性的.

  • 学校或学系可否就大学政策中已载列的事项采取自己的政策?

    是的, 只要学校或部门的政策与大学政策不冲突,并且大学社区可以访问. 学校、系或单位的政策可能比大学政策更严格.

  • 谁能解决与政策实施或解释相关的问题?

    一般来说,这类问题可直接向政策负责部门提出. 指定的责任部门通常是制定政策的办公室,因此负责政策的审查和更新. The Responsible Department is specified in the policy document.

    If you are unable to determine the Responsible Department for a given policy, 或者如果您在联系责任部门后对政策有其他问题, please contact the Policy Office at

  • Who can initiate a new policy?

    Any University school, 部门, 或单位可以启动一个新的政策,与他们的负责人合作,准备该政策的草案 Policy Template 并将建议的政策提交给商业和金融事务办公室, Attn: Policy to be 综述了 by the Policy Advisory Committee. 已批准的建议是与政策负责部门和其他利益相关者合作制定的, as designated by the Policy Advisory Committee.


  • What is the role of the policy advisory committee?

    The role of the Policy Advisory Committee is to review 和 provide feedback on proposals for new policies or policy revisions; to ensure that policy proposals are properly 和 expeditiously developed, 批准, 和 implemented; 和 to advise the University community on policy development 和 implementation.

  • How are policies developed 和 批准?

    负责官员将与利益相关方合作制定政策. 政策 must be drafted using the st和ard Policy Template. 商务和金融事务办公室将与主管部门和政策咨询委员会合作,审查和编辑政策草案.

    本网站备有概述政策发展及审批程序的流程图 在这里.

  • 如何通知大学社区新政策或政策修订?

    The Responsible Department, in coordination with the Policy Advisory Committee, 是否会协调新政策和政策修订的公告和分发. Newly adopted policies 和 policy revisions, like other policies, are available in the searchable Policy Library on this website.

  • Who is responsible for reviewing 和 updating policies?

    政策的责任部门负责确保政策得到及时的评估, 综述了, 和更新. 政策文件的第一页注明责任部门. 每项大学政策将由负责部门审查,并在必要时至少每五年修订一次.